Physical Therapy for Children in Giurgiu, Romania – Completed Project

Special Medical Care for the handicapped kids of Giurgiu

There are over 70 children in Giurgiu, Romania who suffer from severe physical and cognitive disabilities. Under the coordination of Nely Sortudor, the children’s families are leading the effort to improve their health condition through physical therapy, diet, and special medical programs.


Donors like you made possible the continuous help Saint Paraskeva Orthodox Charity has been providing to these vulnerable families. SPOC bought for the Giurgiu organization physical therapy equipment valued at 10,000 Euros and it has also been providing yearly grants of up to $4000.Your donation will be used to provide them diapers, hygiene and medical products, physical therapy, and materials for their handmade crafts.

During 2011-2018, SPOC has allocated $37,230 in grants towards responding to special medical treatment, surgical interventions, diapers needs for a total number of over 490 children in the Giurgiu region.

Any donation will be appreciated by those who will benefit from it.


SPOC provides continued support to the handicapped children of Giurgiu who suffer from severe physical and cognitive disabilities. Besides the physical therapy equipment valued at 10,000 Euros, SPOC has been providing yearly grants of up to $4,000 to the Giurgiu handicapped kids to help support their special needs in terms of diet, physical therapy programs and medical care.

SPOC is committed to continue to help the struggling families in the Giurgiu area, as they are trying hard to support themselves thru selling handmade crafts such as cards, candle stands, decorations in addition to holding their regular full time jobs. In the Giurgiu organization, 50 handicapped kids have been benefitting from Saint Paraskeva Charity’s generous support.