We would like to thank all the donors that participated in our Fundraising Brunch event Organized by SPOC Art and Culture Committee on March 25th 2018. You gifts have been multiplied – over 200 pairs of boys and girls winter boots have been purchased. They will ship directly to the most needy sites in Romania where Saint Paraskeva Orthodox Charity currently operates: Rasca Social Settlement (Fr. Andrei), Iasi (Saint Nicholas Shoes Project) and Baia Mare (Myrrbearing Women’s project). We are sharing bellow a message for our audience coming from our Guest of Honor, Alina Celia Cumpan, Writer and Poet
,,Simțurile sunt porțile prin care te poți întâlni cu infinitul din jur.,, spunea Osho si pentru ca simt ca in fiecare exista o fantana de infinit, m-as bucura ca in unificarea fortelor sa aducem o raza de lumina in intunetic, sa lasam o dara de frumos in urma noastra si sa ridicam binele si adevarul la rang de imparatie a zilelor noastre. Impreuna = un univers nemarginit; singur…doar o poveste cu inceput si sfarsit. Eu CRED in NOI, in PUTEREA si REUSITA noastra COMUNA! Sunt onorata de invecinarea sufletelor noastre pentru sufletele altora, in infinitul din jur” Alina Celia Cumpan – Scriitor si Poet
“Senses are the gates through which you can meet the infinite around you,” said Osho, and because I feel like in each of us exists an infinite fountain. I would love, through the joining of forces, to bring a ray of light into the darkness, to leave a gift of beauty behind us, and to raise the good and the truth to the rank of a modern royalty. Together = an unlimited universe; alone … just a story with a beginning and an end. I BELIEVE in US, in our JOINT POWER AND RESULTS! I am honored by the closeness of our souls for the souls of others in the infinite around us. Alina Celia Cumpan – Writer and Poet
Glory to God for everything!