When — Sunday July 8 – 12:45 pm
Where — Saint Constantine and Hellen Church, 5410 N Newland Ave Chicago Il 60656
We hope you will attend and support our cause. You could also help us simply by donating at www.spcharity.org.
Ochi tristi si prea maturi pentru varsta lor, ochi care cer fara a spune in cuvinte, ochi care plang dar fara lacrimi ! Acestia sunt copiii din Gaiesti, copii care au invatat mult prea devreme ce inseamna foametea, neajunsurile, frigul si neputinta ! Pe acesti copii dorim sa ii ajutam, cu o masa calda si cu o hainuta. Va rog sa ne sustineti in 8 Iulie , orice donatie cat de mica va oferi o masa calda acestor copilasi ! Pentru ei vise mari, dar pentru noi, uniti, totul e cu putinta ! Va asteptam cu drag !
Sad eyes and too mature for their age, eyes that are asking without saying the words, eyes that are crying without shedding tears! These are the children of Gaiesti, Romania! Kids that have learned way too early what it means to be hungry, to have nothing , to be cold and powerless!
These are the children we want to help with a hot meal and clothes on their back.
Please join us July 8th at the St Constantin and Helen Cathedral for a hot lunch of stuffed cabbage and deserts. Any donation no matter how small will offer a hot meal for these children. For them might seem a dream, but for us all United everything is possible ! So lets make things possible ! We are waiting for each one of you with open arms ! Thank you.